Our Services

Individual Therapy


Feeling out of sorts? Not sure who you are, or where you’re going? Feeling angry, anxious, or really down?

Individual therapy is for you! Individual therapy focuses on you, and how you view the world, and helps you to process your emotions, thoughts, and beliefs in a way that will help you to identify who you are, where you want to go or how you want to live, and help you to make changes to get there.

Individual therapy services are available for clients 16 years old and older.

Couples, Marital, and Pre-marital Therapy


Having trouble communicating with your partner? Feel like your goals are not the same anymore? Having trouble resolving conflict? Do you feel like you are not being heard, or that your needs are not being met? Then Couples/Marital Therapy may be helpful for you and your partner.

Couples and Marital Therapy is a way for you and your partner to explore your needs, identify strengths within the couplehood, and use those strengths to increase your skills in weaker areas.

All couples have challenges, and all couples experience transitions. Some are harder than others, and some challenges or transitions could be processed and addressed easier when couples are able to communicate openly in a safe, and supportive environment, and develop skills to navigate transitions and challenges in the future.

Getting marriage and want to explore how you can form your couplehood in a way that complements you and your partner’s strengths and skills, and create a plan for challenges or transitions? Pre-marital therapy may be beneficial for you and your partner to talk about how you will exist as a couple, plan for future transitions, and develop healthy and appropriate boundaries and communication skills.

Family Therapy


Family therapy focuses on the family system, and can include family members, extended family members, or people who are identified as family, though not genetically related.

Family therapy is especially beneficial for those who are blending families as step-parents and siblings are introduced, for families who are separating in various ways such as through divorce, and to process and address transitions of the family system that may be causing issues within the family like changes in jobs for parents, moving or changing communities, etc.

In general, family therapy is a great option any time the family is struggling to work together as a unit in a healthy way.

Have questions? Check out the FAQ page, or Contact Us if you need further information.